Your rookie mistakes on Instagram

When new clients come to us, these are the first things we fix! Let's break it down by category:

First things first, Security!

Mistake #1: Just recently, one of our clients lost access to their Ad account, because the admin (business owner) didn’t have 2-factor authentication turned on. The hacker stole their personal page first, kicked everyone out (including us) from the ad account, and spent $3000 promoting NBA tokens just in 2 days before AMEX froze their card! If you don't have 2 -factor authentication for both Facebook and Instagram personal accounts set up your accounts can be hacked!
Fix it! Go to your Instagram and Facebook settings, Security tab, and turn on 2 -factor authentication. Now.

Mistake #2: Is your public Instagram email is the same one you use for security purposes? If so, you did the hackers a BIG favor and did half the work for them.
Fix it! Click on the Edit profile button and make sure that the email you see there is DIFFERENT from the one you used to create the account.

Mistake #3: You let your employees create Meta Business Manager for you. So they are the owners, and you are just an admin. If they leave your company on bad terms, you may lose access to your assets: you won’t be able to run ads through your FB and IG pages.
Fix it! Always create Meta Business Manager yourself, using your Facebook personal page, and then add your employees via employee access and social media agencies you work with via advertiser access. If you're already using a Business manager account created by your employee or social media agency, have them pass all the accounts to you before they leave, including Facebook Pixel, Ad account, Facebook page, Instagram, and WhatsApp Business.

Sales mistakes:

Your rookie mistakes on Instagram

Mistake #1: You are missing all the retargeting options that FB, IG, and TikTok offer by forgetting to install their event codes on your site! You are basically losing all information about your website visitors. Missing out BIG TIME!
Fix it! Set up Facebook/TikTok Business Manager (get the instructions from our website) and give admin access to your website developer.

Mistake #2: You didn’t verify your website domain with Facebook. In order to be able to monitor conversions from your Facebook ads right in your Ad Account and allow your ads to optimize for the audience which is interested in your offer, you need to prove to Facebook that you own your domain. You want to see how the ads are bringing in website traffic and how it is performing in terms of leads (ie. how many visitors are filling out contact forms, calling your office, requesting the directions, or scheduling appointments) and hence will not be able to objectively decide if your ads are bringing your business or just draining your pockets.
Fix it! As the result of fixed mistake #1, your website developer has the access to your Business Manager. Ask them to verify your website domain.

Your rookie mistakes on Instagram

Mistake #3: You're not collecting emails and phone numbers from people who send you DMs. You just reply to their questions and that’s it. You are losing the opportunity to retarget them with the offers via email, WhatsApp, FB, or IG ads.
Fix it! Create a sales script that allows you to collect their phones and emails in a natural and friendly way every time they contact you.

Engagement mistakes:

Your rookie mistakes on Instagram

Mistake #1: You hired a Social Media company but you didn't check their work. Many clients come to us with fake followers they got from their previous agency and even "auto-like" tools connected to their profiles. Fake activity drops your Engagement rate significantly!
Fix it! At least biweekly, spend 30 minutes checking the accounts of new followers and those who like your posts. If you regularly find tons of fakes on your account, it’s time to give your SM Manager the boot! (but before you do that, make sure you fixed mistake #5)

Mistake #2: You over-designed your feed and used a bunch of boring stock photos. This looks lame and will kill your engagement rate slowly and steadily.
Fix it! Leave your precious stock photos for your website and newsletters, focus on User Generated Content and your own original content. Stop adding too much design (including watermarks) on every single post!

Your rookie mistakes on Instagram

Mistake #3: You're not collecting User Generated Content. And by the way, the feedback and reviews you got from your clients (or sometimes make-up) are not considered UGC.
Fix it! Come up with ideas for creating a constant flow of UGC. When/how/what to request? How to track a happy user? These are the questions to ask your social media manager. Reward and Loyalty programs can be a great source of UGC.
