Dr. Siddiqi

Dr. Siddiqi


Dr. Ayah Siddiqi, an advanced aesthetic practitioner with clinics in Halifax and London.


Improve the engagement rate, increase the number of followers and inquiries in order to scale the number of booked consultations and scheduled procedures.


The client had a relatively large following on Instagram, but the organic reach and engagement rate were low, and the account was generating few inquiries from potential clients.

Dr. Siddiqi
Dr. Siddiqi

Our Solution

  1. Total rebrand of the Instagram page look and features in order to create a balanced, cohesive experience.
  2. Diversified content strategy in order to build trust and confidence in the doctor's expertise. Our goal was to combine the doctor's expert advice, reviews, and comments with personal content in order to preserve the original informal atmosphere of the account.
  3. Daily interactions with the followers in Stories to draw attention to the account and boost organic reach. We closely monitored saves, comments, and interactions to make sure that content we produce is relevant to the audience.
  4. Implementing useful viral content into the content strategy in order to boost the account's organic exposure.
  5. Used selective boosting to additionally supercharge the accounts reach and bring in new highly-targeted followers interested in the client’s services.

The Results

  1. Implementing gamification into daily InstaStories allowed to scale monthly Stories reach by 1.8X, bringing 30% more traffic to the Instagram profile.
  2. Our new content strategy allowed us to increase the engagement rate by 2.6X within 4 months, generating 9.9X more comments per month.
  3. Scaling the account reach by 3.3X allowed us to bring on an average of 80+ highly targeted NET followers every week.







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